Tuesday, April 15, 2008

FaceBook: Thing #20

I read the blog entries and documents linked to the Thing tutorial about FaceBook, but I am creating just this "skeleton" entry at the moment because I cannot access FaceBook from school. Both FaceBook and MySpace are blocked in my school district at the request of administration, who were finding that students were nearly addicted to checking their sites for updates on their "friends" lists, reading other students' entries, etc., and teachers were wrestling with a significant classroom management issue.

The prevalence of these social networking sites, and the creative uses of music, videos, photos, etc. within them, provide a clear indication of how "digitally native" our students are. Many teachers would be amazed at the tech savvy of the young people in their classrooms. Like gaming, the use of social networking sites for library-related purposes seems to be essential if we are to truly reach the populations who are important patrons now and into the future.

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